Day 5 - August 24: Overnight Report
Overnight Report:
They were able to decrease sedation last night pretty well. He's off the fentanyl completely and at a low rate of the propofol.
Planning for CT scan today. If things look good, they plan to remove the Intracranial Pressure monitor and will plan to do an MRI (they can't until the ICP monitor is out).
He is getting morphine and is looking really comfortable.
He had been shivering (likely nerve related but they are also regulating his temperature) and they were able to give him some meds to help decrease that.
God continues to encourage us through your prayers and words of encouragement!
🙏🏻❤️Prayer Requests:
In the most recent neuro exam: His neuro responses were a little bit less than yesterday with right arm and leg. And he didn't open his eyes as wide as he had. This could be related to all of the med changes but they will monitor via CT scan today.
Also, he's had an increased respiratory rate, coughing, trying to breathe over the ventilator so they are monitoring, he had an X-ray and the respiratory team is working with him.
Continued and complete healing!! 🙏🏻❤️
Our family in today. For strength and wisdom and insight. To understand what we're being told and what we need to ask. To know how to advocate for Dad.
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